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4年前 ( 2021-06-10 ) 1527 0条评论

1.Thailand Bangkok有哪些旅游景点.

经济: The electric current is 220 volt AC (50 cycles) throughout the country. Many different types of plugs and sockets are in use. Travellers with electric shavers, hair dryers, tape recorders and other appliances should carry a plug adapter kit. The better hotels will make available 110-volt transformers. 邮政服务: Thailand's mail service is reliable and efficient. Major hotels provide basic postal services on their premises. Provincial post offices are usually open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. International Roaming Mobile Phone : A Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM Card) is now available for Thai and foreign customers who are travelling around for work. The SIM Card must be used in conjunction with a Digital G *** mobile phone within the 900-MHz range or a Digital PCN mobile phone within the 1800-MHz range. *** 服务: At present, all telephone numbers (for local calls and long distance calls within the country) have nine digits. For Bangkok calls, 02 is added to the existing numbers i.e. 0 2694 1222. For provincial calls, an area code is added to the existing numbers. For example, area code for Chiang Mai is 053 = 0 5324 8604; area code for Phuket is 076 = 0 7621 1036. For mobile phones, After september 1,2006, all Thai mobile phone numbers will be extended to 10 digits. Simply add an 8 in the middle of the existing two-digit prefix, followed by the existing seven-digit number.For example, numbers starting with (66) 01 will become (66) 081 XXX XXXX The new system has no effect on international phone calls. The international dialing code for Thailand is 66. When making international calls to Thailand, add 66 and omit the leading 0. When making international calls from Thailand, first dial 001+country code+area code+telephone number 应急 *** : Central Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire) : 191 Highway Patrol : 1193 Crime Suppression : 195 or (662) 513 3844 Tourist Police (English, French and German spoken) : 1155 Touri *** Authority of Thailand (TAT) Call Centre : 1672 Immigration Bureau : (662) 287 3101-10 另外,你想要的景点介绍太多了, 不同的城市有不同景点.给你一个泰国旅游的官方网站,你可以在上边找到所有你想要的! e. Milan's position at the heart of a network of c *** s, which provided the irrigation for the Lombard plains and the important trade links between the north and south, became less important as industry took over - and the waterways were filled. A few c *** s remain in the Navigli district near the Bocconi University, a fashionable area in which to drink and listen to live music. Since the 1970s, Milan has remained the capital of Italy's automobile industry and its financial markets, but the limelight is dominated by the fashion houses, who, in turn, have drawn media and advertising agencies to the city. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion - fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Valentino, Versace and Armani may design and manufacture their clothes elsewhere, but Milan, which has carefully guarded its reputation for flair, drama and creativity, is Italy's natural stage.Florence (Italy)The Arno River runs through the center of Florence. Florence is the capital of the region of Tuscany, on Italy's north-west coast. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. However, the city is one of Italy's most atmospheric and pleasant, retaining a strong resemblanceto the *** all late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe. Where Rome is a historical hot-pot , Florence is like stepping back into a Fiat and Vespa-filled Renaissance : the shop-lined Ponte Vecchio, the trademark Duomo, the gem-filled Uffizi Gallery, the turreted Piazza della Signoria and the Medici Chapels.Duomo cathedral The remarkable Duomo , with its pink, white and green marble fa? ade and characteristic dome , dominates the city's skyline. The building took almost two centuries to build (and even then the facade wasn't completed until the 19th century), and is the fourth-largest cathedral in the world. The enormous dome was designed by Brunelleschi, and its interior features frescoes and stained-glass windows by some of the Renaissance-era's best: Vasari, Zuccari, Donatello, Uccello and Ghiberti. Take a deep breath and climb up to take a closer look, and you'll be rewarded by fantastic views of the city and an insight into how the dome was so cleverly constructed - without scaffolding. The dome still defines the scale of the city, and no building in town is taller.Bandinelli's Hercules and Cacus can be found in Piazza della Signoria. Florence was founded as a colony of the Etruscan city of Fiesole in about 200 BC, later becoming the Roman Florentia, a garrison town controlling the Via Flaminia. In the 13th century 。


Museum Puri Lukisan博物馆很好的展示了巴厘岛各种各样的艺术,再看看Anak Agung Gde Sobrat所创作的《巴厘市场》(Balinese Market)的丰富构图,就可以了解当地绘画的繁荣景象。


乌布植物园(Botanic Garden Ubud)


探寻每一株植物背后的故事,正式这些植物绿化了巴厘岛。这座植物园占地超过6公顷,分成不同主题的园区,例如专门种植兰花的(在温室内),还有肉桂和香草这样巴厘岛特有的植物,各种开满鲜花、蝴蝶翩翩的花园和巨大的莲花游泳池等等。这是斯特凡.赖斯那(Stefan Reisner,德国作家)的作品,这些花园和那些充满艺术感的博物馆形成很好的呼应。你会迷失在迷宫一样的花园里,最后逃离时带着巴厘药性植物带给你的舒适。单独关于巴厘岛东部仙人掌的展览就值门票钱。

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本站文章发布于 4年前 ( 2021-06-10 )


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